Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Of Douglass s The Great Gatsby

Message: Douglass wants his audience, the American public, to know that he earned his freedom. Freedom is something that each of us must look for in order to be truly â€Å"free.† Through the personal experiences of his own life as a slave and his perseverance to become educated, Douglass shows us that it requires persistence and bravery to look for freedom. He also illustrates to the audience that there is no real end in this search for freedom until slavery is fully abolished. Purpose: Douglass wrote this book when slavery was still a normal and acceptable lifestyle in the US. Through his own sufferings as a slave, Douglass wants to show the American people the true injustices of slavery from the perspective of a former slave. That way,†¦show more content†¦Through the texts, Douglass and Jacobs both preserve in their struggle for freedom, both physical and mental. Another text that can be linked to Douglass’ Narrative is the well-known Uncle Tom’s Cabin written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Although it was written by a white female, like Douglass’ Narrative, Uncle Tom’s Cabin shows the harsh reality of slavery with the inclusion of graphic descriptions and images. Both texts were meant for the American public to read, as they were written in the time that slavery was still legal. This text is also similar to John Howard Griffin’s Black Like Me in that the purpose of both texts are to open the perspective of the audi ence, the American public, on a social injustice happening during the time each author wrote his book. Both authors also use personal experiences to show the readers what it is like to experience slavery or discrimination based on skin color. Describe THREE specifics from the text that BEST illustrate the author’s message and/or purpose: Douglass accomplishes his purpose of persuading his audience of the horrors of slavery by detailing instances where he and other slaves were treated with brute. For example, Douglass recounts Mr. Gore whipping Demby, a slave who then escapes in a nearby stream. After Demby does not return after Mr. Gore gives three calls, Mr.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Chapter One Introduction Free Essays

United States of America, with its rich history of immigrants, is a land of diverse cultures and civilizations. Classrooms have students from many different racial and linguistic groups like White Americans, African Americans, Caucasians, Hispanics, Vietnamese etc. According to the various analysis done by the National Centre for Educational Statistics, the academic performance of the minorities continue to be below standard. We will write a custom essay sample on Chapter One: Introduction or any similar topic only for you Order Now Illiteracy or poor schooling background is a common phenomenon not only in rural areas but also in urban areas in many Latin American countries. Although there has been a rise in the number of such students being enrolled in public schools, but as a group they have the lowest level of education and highest dropout rate. Let’s view the present status of the Hispanic students. They make up 15% of the elementary school-age people and will possibly comprise 25% of the total school-age population by the year 2025. It is noticed that over past 20years, their enrollment have risen by 150 %( U.S. Department of Education, 2000). The U.S. Hispanic population is varied in terms of their countries by birth, economic and social status, language skills, family background and education. They have different academic needs as well. They make up 75% of all the students enrolled for limited English proficiency program (LEP), including English as second language program (ESL) and bilingual educational program. As for their academic achievements, the 1996 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) shows that 17 year old Hispanic students were quite below in comparison to other White students in science, mathematics and reading (National Centre of Educational Statistics, 1996). It also brought to light that their drop out rate was very much high as compared to other minority groups and ranked lowest in the comparison of high school completion rate. Furthermore, Baker Hakuta (1998) state that the number of English language learners (ELL) in the U.S. has grown dramatically in the last decade. According to a 1991 national study, over 2,300,000 students in grades K through 12 are English language learners. This number has grown by over 1,000,000 since 1984. The majority of these students are Spanish-speakers (73%), followed by Vietnamese-speakers (3.9%). Because of the overwhelming proportion of ELL students is Spanish speakers, the issue of bilingual education is largely a Latino one. No other language group makes up more than 4% of limited English proficient students. This fact makes education a complicated issue for language minority students with low socioeconomic status. Most educators and school administrators in American classrooms overlook that English language learners with minimal formal schooling have difficulties managing information input, organizing learning material, following verbal and written instructions, and processing large chunks of new language. Thus, the findings of Ramirez (1991) indicate that Latino students who received sustained L1 instruction throughout elementary school have better academic prospects than those who have not received instruction in their first language or those who received instruction only in English. Consequently, first language illiteracy in Spanish speaking students has negative consequences in the United States as it retards economic and social development. According to the 1993 U.S. Census Bureau, many Hispanic children living in the United States are likely to be from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, particularly those whose families have recently arrived and are depending in minimum-wage jobs. Approximately 40% of Hispanic children live in poverty, compared to the 13% of non-Hispanic white children (Holman, 1997). Similarly, data from the 2003 U.S. Census Bureau shows that 58.4% of Hispanic students have completed high school level compared to 85.8% of White and 80.6% of Black population. Eighty percent of ELL are poor and most attend schools where the majority of students also live in poverty and are English language learners. Such schools are poorly maintained due to lack of funds and fail to provide technologically updated class room environment and well qualified teachers. Poverty and socio economic status have many implications for educational achievement on Hispanic students. For example, parents’ income levels and parents’ educational achievement is highly linked to that of their children’s. They belong to families where the parents themselves are not educated, and therefore lay less importance to schooling and education of their children. Inadequate participation by parents in their child’s education has many other reasons too. They have less time to spend with their family due to heavy load of work taken up to make both ends meet and inability to communicate in English themselves Lack of proficiency in English is another important hurdle for Hispanic students. This is assumed to be the major reason why they fail to graduate from the high school. In typical classrooms, Hispanic students fail to understand the course taught due to the inability to understand the medium of instruction. Thus, their performance always remains low and at times such negative educational experience acts as a reason for their early dropouts and absenteeism .There are various programs installed for teaching English as second language (ESL) in schools yet the dropout rate is on a rise. Terrence (1997) says that state and federally funded bilingual education programs reach only a fraction of eligible students. Three quarters of limited English proficient students receive ESL instruction, while only one-third to one-half of these students receives any instruction in their native language. After working with ESL Hispanic students 9-12 grades at Vance High School in Charlotte, NC for two years, I became aware of the academic underachievement some students were experiencing even after being in the same grade in some cases for up to three consecutive years. Even though the teachers, administrators have put in a lot of effort, but their situation doesn’t seem to be improving. This scenario touched me very much and i developed a particular interest in finding out the causes behind their failures in the classroom and the methodologies which could be implemented to improve the situation. My research will examine and analyze in depth the weaknesses these students bring to the classroom based on the causes of their illiteracy. In addition, I will describe the negative effects of illiteracy in relation to the alarming increase of the growth of Hispanics in the U.S. It is worthwhile to cite Huntley (1992) as she says, â€Å"The problem of illiteracy seems to be increasing and programs to remedy that situation are still inadequate.† Spanish speaking students are not well versed in their native language. Most of the programs already being used don’t stress the importance on reducing first language illiteracy. This in turn has a great influence in learning English as a second language. Illiteracy in the first language causes hurdles in learning a second language. Polishing the first language itself will support and ease the process of learning a second language. There are basically four types of literacy in the first language (L1), which has an impact in English learning (Huntley, 1992). These include literate learners, semi-literate learners, non-literate learners and pre-literate learners. Such kind of L1 literacy backgrounds are usually overlooked by teachers. This research explains the different levels or types of illiteracy in detail and their relative importance in learning English as a Second language for Spanish speaking students. One can say that learning a second language is hard, but it is even harder when there is a lack of literacy skills in the first language. McGee (1978) says, â€Å"We acknowledge that being an adult learner is difficult, that being an adult second language learner is even more difficult, and that being a pre-literate adult second language learner must be nothing short of a painful situation.† Difficulties arising in an individuals’ second language learning cannot be properly understood without simultaneous attention to the socio linguistic and socio cultural framework within which learning a second language is occurring. Another major cause of illiteracy in Hispanic students in the United States is attributed to the rate of dropout; this document includes an analysis of a study done by Crawford Egemba (2003), about the factors that contribute to abandon school on Hispanic students of grades 9-12. They based their analysis on demographic factors, academic ability, family background, school experiences and social influence factors. The variables in this research include academic ability, family socioeconomic status, student gender, employment status, repeating a grade, citizenship status, English proficiency, truancy, urbanicity, gender, friends’ and siblings’ status, substance use, and pregnancy/fatherhood. It is also noticed that the drop out students eventually take part in criminal activities. According to Cassel (2003), â€Å" Today in America one million of the two million prison inmates are high school dropout students and the primary reason for their dropping out of school is a general lack of personal development† (p. 1). This shows how much of a serious issue this ESL drop out learners pose. In addition, this part describes the alarming statistics of Hispanic youth as the fastest growing minority segment in America. It is since 1960s, that many researches have been done to identify the main causes behind such a high drop out rate of Hispanic students. The researches were based on the logic that once the core issue is identified, it would become lot easier to devise measures to resolve it. This theory was termed as deficit theory and has guided much work in this field. The theory assumed that the cultural differences were a reason behind their academic failures. However, in 1970s the trend shifted and many more reasons were highlighted and worked upon. Many researches have been carried out to see what will prove helpful in improving this scenario. Most of the educators believe that such educational crisis can be dealt with the help of better teachers and teaching methods. My research explores the different methodologies to teach preliterate or limited formal schooling ESL Spanish speaking students grades 9-12. Although there are several programs designed to teach English as a Second Language, they mostly promote the use of English as a media of instruction. Few programs neither consider the capacity for literacy in the students’ first language nor promote the study of the student’s native language. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account that English language learners have different literacy levels and come from a diverse socioeconomic background. The research brings to light what could be effective for improving the situation. It will explain how teachers should be educated about the need and use of various teaching tools, seeing which helps the learning better. Curriculum should be designed in a way that provides equal opportunity for such minority students to read and write. It explains how and why the teachers should understand the cultural difference, and use it positively while imparting education. More resources and effective language teaching practices should be adopted for the students who have limited knowledge of English language. It will prove how the adoption of technologically updated teaching methods may go long way in facilitating teacher in meeting the special learning requirements of such students. This includes the usage of visual aids, computers and multimedia, recorders, audio tapes and language masters while teaching students. It is also important that primary or native language is used for the purpose of instructions. Such method, if adopted, would help in concept development and better understanding. It is only through their primary language that the students will effectively learn how to read and write well. This method will also ensure that students don’t fall behind academically while they learn English. For this the teachers themselves have to be fluent and bilingual. Not only this, they also need to be certified to teach ESL students. Only the possession of certificates like BCC (Bilingual Certificate of Competence) or B.-C.L.A.D. (Bilingual-Cross-Cultural, Language and Academic Development Certificate) makes them eligible to teach such students. Teachers with other certificates like L.D.S. can team up with fully certified bilingual teachers to help such students. Overall, this study underscores the importance of L1 instruction as a crucial tool for illiterate Spanish-speaking students in U.S. schools and the need to master literacy skills in their native language before they acquire a second language in order to achieve academically in the mainstream classroom.   According to Cummins (1981), the capacity for literacy in the first language affects in a dramatic fashion the ability to acquire a second language because metacognitive skills are transferred across languages. For the purpose of this research, I present the two main methodologies Bilingual Education and English-Only instruction and their effects in learning a second language being a preliterate in the native language. In bilingual classrooms, interaction is split between the primary language and English language, whereas, in English-only classes English is the only medium of instructions. Various studies have proved that students in such bilingual classrooms are at various academic and linguistic benefits as opposed to the other method. Especially if such method is used for students in pre-school and lower grade levels. This paper discusses in depth the advantages and disadvantages of both methods of instruction. Eventually, my study shows that good bilingual programs should be designed for illiterate ESL learners so as to provide literacy in native language first, so that the input they provide in the target language is comprehensible for them. Being a very controversial topic, its importance deserves more research to determine the effectiveness of each methodology, considering all the variables and the students’ needs. It also shows that Transitional programs (where primary instruction decreases the more English students learn) or Developmental programs (where primary language instruction continues throughout the entire study program) can be used according to the requirement of the students. This research also shows that parental involvement in a child’s education is of utmost importance. This can be done by meeting parents regularly to discuss the academic progress and performance of their child. Not only this, they should also be convinced to encourage their children for higher studies. This will help in reducing the premature dropouts and may also guarantee higher attainment of education. It was proved through various researched how the lack of involvement was a reason behind early drop outs of such students. Thus, if parents become more aware about their role as their child’s partner in learning, they would themselves become the first teachers of their children. It also shows how government can play their role in improving the situation. It can help in establishing special schools for Hispanics, where the fee structure is affordable. Monetary and technological funds can be provided to such schools. Teaching program there should be designed with special care to address the needs and issues of students. At such schools, proper career guidance should be provided and scholarship programs should be introduced. Moreover, government should allocate more funds for the continued research in this area so that better methodologies can be formulated. But it should be remembered that the success of all of these programs depends upon their proper implementation. Not only this, they need to be monitored and upgraded as and when required. Then only can they help in increasing academic achievements of Hispanic ESL students. Improvement in their situation will allow them to make meaningful contribution towards the society. It will prove helpful in social interaction and boost up their confidence. Not only this, better education would open many earning opportunities for them with which they can improve their economic status. English is an official language through out the nation, and having a good command over it means better position to work in. Moreover, know how of another language brings along with it many intrinsic advantages. Various changes come within one’s personality. It gives a better insight to life, brings about tolerance for different life styles, and gives a better ability to express  well. It provides ability to comprehend other cultures. Second-language skills help in providing maximum enjoyment while traveling as well. However, there have been researchers and educationalists have pointed out few drawbacks of bilingualism. But they in no way outstrip its benefits. Being literate doesn’t only mean to possess the ability to read, write, listen and speak. But it means doing all this to a certain adequate level. Certain educationalists go as far as including the abilities to face and solve daily problems and make some contribution towards the society as important requisites of being a literate person.   Standard for what actually is literacy vary from society to society. Literacy rate determines the standard of living and progression of any state. Thus, it is important for all states to address the educational needs and issues of its minorities so that they add up to the success of the nation. References: National Center for Educational Statistics. (1996). NAEP 1996 long-term summary. Washington, DC. Alexander, D., Heaviside, S., Farris, E. (1999). Status of education reform in public elementary and secondary schools: Teachers’ perspectives. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Huntley, H. S. (1992). The new illiteracy: A study of the pedagogic principles of teaching English as a second language to nonliterate adults. Unpublished manuscript. (EDRS No. ED356685). Terrence, G. W. (1997). Myths about language diversity and literacy in the United States, SuDoc ED. Miriam, B., Joy, P. (Feb, 2003) Reading and Adult English Language Learners: The role of first Language, National Centre for ESL Literacy Education. Grabe, W., Stoller, F. L. (2002).Teaching and researching reading. Harlow, England: Pearson Education. Burt, M., Peyton, J. K., Adams, R. (2003). Reading and adult English language learners: A review of the research. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Fillmore, L.W. and Snow, C.E. (2000). â€Å"What teachers need to know about language.† U.S. Department of Education: Educational Research and Improvement. ERIC Digest No. ED-99-CO-0008 Birch, B. M. (2002). English L2 reading: Getting to the bottom. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. How to cite Chapter One: Introduction, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Reflective Essay On Project Management Managers And Teams

Question: Describe about the Reflective Essay on Project Management for Managers and Teams. Answer: Professional guidance in management of project is important for project managers and teams. The learning of project management of body of knowledge, and planning process group in class provides proper guidelines and principles that can be utilized by project teams(Cleland, 2013). I was able to learn best practices and code of ethics to guide project professionals. The knowledgeable areas and processes learnt covered management of scope, time, cost, quality, resources, communication, risk and procurement(PMI., 2013). I learnt project integration management learning process by understanding various approaches used to manage projects. I learnt coming up with a project management plan a documentation showing activities to be performed to achieve intended objectives(Wysocki, 2014). The approaches I learnt are based on methodologies employed for different projects. For example the agile project management (iterative) which can be employed in computer related projects. In addition I was able to learn from planning process group reasons why people plan, failures of optimistic and pessimistic planning(Larson, 2011). One knowledgeable area for a project manager is time management. I was able to sequence and estimate time for various activities by developing and controlling them(PMI., 2013). I leant both work breakdown structure and critical path method as scheduling tools for time. Work breakdown structure which involves dividing projects into sub projects, tasks, subtasks, and work packages by use of codes, while critical path method is the longest path showing time to accomplish activities based on probable time after consideration of optimistic and pessimistic times. The learning process provided me good insights of how resources can be estimated and procured. I learnt how to employ analogous and parametric estimation in planning and resource costing. One critical component in implementation is sourcing of resources for the project. The learning process provided me a clear knowledge on how procurement planning is done from solicitation, selection, contract awarding to contract closeout(Wysocki, 2014). I was able to learn how human resources are acquired and developed. The leadership styles include: democratic (allows equal decision making), autocratic (project manager makes decision alone), and participative (everyone is involved in activities). Leadership is critical in project performance, team development and motivation of team members. The exposure to leadership styles has helped me choose the best style to employ in management of projects. Other skills I learnt included: the use of risk registers indicating how risks can be identified, analyzed response and monitored, the use of communication plans showing channel and mode of communication. Lastly I learnt how quality management can be maintained, assured and controlled. The extra skills learnt help management of project effectively(Larson, 2011). In conclusion, other process found difficult to comprehend and understand they include cost estimation (employing techniques of estimations); critical path method analysis (calculations of different times and floats). I did consult with other students who had understood the topics. My strength included use of project theoretical concepts and principles, while my limitation was how to make analysis and computations involving arithmetics and mathematics in project management. References Cleland, D. A. (2013). Project management handbook. New York, United States: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Larson, E. A. (2011). Project management: the managerial process . New York: Mc Graw Hill. PMI. (2013). A guide to project management body of knowledge . Newtown Square: PA: PMI. Wysocki, R. (2014). Effective project management . Indianapolis: John Wiley Sons.