Sunday, February 16, 2020

Biometrics are increasingly used to control access, critically Essay

Biometrics are increasingly used to control access, critically evaluate the benefits of two biometric technologies for a given s - Essay Example On the side of the policy, laws of environment that are new, targets, and regulations have been set at all governmental levels. Nanotechnology is one such significant technology that has gained popularity following the many advantages associated with its use. This paper seeks to outline the advantages, as well as disadvantages of nanotechnology with a focus on the overriding benefits of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology as used scientifically refers to the engineering of the functional systems at a level of molecular scale (Berube, 2006). Fundamentally, it entails the manipulation of matter at molecular and atomic level. It covers the current concepts, as well as works that are somewhat more advanced. Accordingly to Wade and Baughman (2005) the term nanotechnology was originally used to refer to a projected ability of constructing items from nothing using tools and techniques that are commonly used to come up with complete and high performance products (Murray, 2000). A somewhat more ge neralized definition of the term nanotechnology was put forward by the National nanotechnology Initiative that defines it as the process of manipulating matter whose dimensional size ranges from 1 to 100 nanometers (Kahn, 2006). As widely cited, nanotechnology is the key for today and the future. It is certainly pivotal in not only in the field of medicine but in various other fields (Kahn, 2006). Nanotechnology is quite diverse and ranges from extensions of certain conventional devices physics to new approaches basing on molecular self assembly, from developing of new materials with dimensions on a nano-scale to direct control of matter on an atomic scale. As widely cited, nanotechnology deals with application in the fields of science at a level of surface science, molecular biology, organic chemistry, micro fabrication, and semiconductor (Prasad, 2008). Nanotechnology just like any other technology, may be used to create new devices and materials with a range of applications such as electronics, energy production, medicine and biomaterials (Prasad, 2008). On a general perspective, nanotechnology has numerous advantages. First, nanotechnology can be useful in revolutionalizing many electronic procedures, products, and applications (Binnig & Rohrer, 1999). There are fields that have benefits from the use of nanotechnology. Among these areas that have benefited from the continued nanotechnology in terms of the electronic products include the nani-diodes, nano-transistors, plasma displays, OLED, and quantum computers among others (Binnig & Rohrer, 1999). Secondly, nanotechnology has contributed heavily towards the development of the sector of energy. The establishment of increased energy absorbing, energy producing, as well as the storage of energy in efficient and smaller devices is possible with the application of this technology (Wade & Baughman, 2005).

Monday, February 3, 2020

Economics & the Legal Environment of Business Research Paper

Economics & the Legal Environment of Business - Research Paper Example Macroeconomic factors The macroeconomic conditions are very important for business. Conducive macroeconomic conditions help a business to earn excellent profit, whereas unfavorable macroeconomic situations may convert the profits into losses. There are several macroeconomic factors that can influence the business operation of the company. Some of the vital factors are total production or GDP (gross domestic product) of the country in which the company is located, unemployment situation, prevailing and expected rate of inflation, and rate of interests. (Culp, 2001) If the country in which the company is located has been suffering from negative growth of GDP, then it will produce some adverse impacts on the construction industry also as it a part of the entire economy. For example, if a country is going through recession, then every industrial sector will feel the heat in the form of decreased demand and lower production. On the contrary, if an economy is going through economic expansi on with high rate of GDP growth then, purchasing power of the population will increase which might help in creating higher demand in the construction industry. (Culp, 2001) Similarly, unemployment situation is also a vital factor that might influence the business operation. ... (Culp, 2001) Inflation rate is also a quite vital thing to consider for the growth of a construction company. If the overall consumer price index for an economy is rising for quite a long time, then industry specific consumer price index will also feel its impact. Thus in the presence of high rate of inflation, consumer price index for the construction industry will also be quite high. This mainly happens because in the presence high rate of inflation in an economy costs of production in almost all the industries increase which is in turn reflected in the prices. Now in the presence of high consumer price index of construction industry, the construction company will loose many customers as the prices may not fit to the pockets of the customers. On the contrary, during low level of inflation, the company will get more customers and thus it can expand its production. (Culp, 2001) Interest rate is another vital macroeconomic factor in case of construction industry. This is so as most of the potential customers of a construction company very often depend on loans at the time of purchasing a product of this company. no matter whether the buyer is a government or any private agency or any individual, credit lending plays an important role here. Thus, if interest rate becomes higher, then the cost of borrowing becomes higher and consequently, the products of the construction company will look more expensive. This will simply reduce potential customers of the business entity. However, in the events of lower interest rate, the company will get more customers without changing its prices for its products. (Culp, 2001) Microeconomic factors: Microeconomic factors